As safety and health issues gain more significance with organizational strategic planning, many businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to coordinate and implement an effective safety process, as well as provide training expertise at a nominal expense. Employers recognize the value of employees and their effect on profitability; and are taking steps to protect their health and safety by hiring Elder Educational And Consulting Ltd. The goal of our workplace safety consultants is to provide high quality health and safety services through:

  • Assessing the workplace for potential hazards which impact employee safety by offering industrial inspection safety consulting services.
  • Providing comprehensive and confidential services and training to clients based on needs assessed.
  • Working with clients to develop site-specific, continuous improvement to the safety processes.
  • Identifying and designing support systems for successful safety process implementation and maintenance.
  • Providing follow-up services and audits to assure continued improvement in the safety process.

The benefits of our occupational health and safety efforts includes:

  • Sustained reductions in injuries and associated cost savings
  • Increased employee productivity and reduced overtime
  • Reduced regulatory costs, liability and risk (i.e., helping minimize and control occupational health and safety losses)
  • Improved public image that supports branding and marketing efforts

We can come to your job sites and coordinate toolbox meetings or give safety presentations in your office . 

If you have any questions on what we can do for you please do not hesitate to give us a call or send us an e-mail.

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